Flayn×Manuela Support Conversations
C Support
フレン: マヌエラさん! 聞きましたわ!
Flayn: Hello, Professor Manuela! I wish you to know that I have heard ever so much about your talents.
マヌエラ: フレン?どうしたの、そんなに慌てて。
Manuela: Whatever are you talking about, Flayn?
フレン: マヌエラさん、とってもお歌がお上手でらっしゃるんですってね?
Flayn: Singing! Why, you are...you are wonderfully skilled at it, are you not? Why, I have even over heard people saying your voice is akin to the singing of a goddess!
マヌエラ: まあ、誰からそんなことを?昔のことだけど、嬉しいわねえ。
Manuela: It makes me happy to hear, but who told you that?
フレン: 皆さん仰っていましたわ。それで、わたくしは気づいたんですの。
Flayn: Oh, the students are always speaking of it. Which got me to thinking... I may be the only person in all of the academy who's never heard your beautiful voice in song. So...I was wondering, Manuela. Might you sing a little something for me?
マヌエラ: ふふふ、熱烈なのは嬉しいけど、急にお願いされても困っちゃうわ、あたくし。
Manuela: Your request is touching, but I can't perform on such short notice. My voice is an instrument and requires proper, gentle care.
However, the stories are true. I was once the leader of the Mittelfrank Troupe. But that was a long time ago.
フレン: みってる……腐乱……過激だ?ええと……何ですの、それは?
Flayn: Middle... Frank? Um...what do those words mean, precisely?
マヌエラ: えっ? ……あなた、ミッテルフランク歌劇団を知らないの?
Manuela: You've never heard of the Mittelfrank Troupe?
It's the single most popular opera company in the Imperial capital! I used to sing on stage with them. I was the star, in fact.
Before the war, it was the single most popular opera company in the Imperial capital! I used to sing on stage with them. I was the star, in fact.
フレン: 帝都で一番……! でも、わたくしが住んでいた頃にはありませんでしたわ。
Flayn: Oh wow, in all of Enbarr? They must not have been around when I was living there...
マヌエラ: あら、あなた。アンヴァルに住んでいたの?
Manuela: You used to live in Enbarr?
フレン: ええ、小さい頃ですけれど。わたくしアンヴァルで生まれましたのよ?
Flayn: Indeed. Although, I was quite a bit younger at the time. It is where I was born, as a matter of fact.
マヌエラ: じゃあ、幼すぎてわからなかったのね。ミッテルフランク歌劇団の歴史は長いのよ?
Manuela: Ah, well, you must have been too young to hear about us.
フレン: ふうん……そもそも、歌劇団って何ですの?
Flayn: Ah, yes, that could be! And...what, precisely, is the function of an opera troupe?
マヌエラ: あら、そこからなのね……。歌劇団っていうのは、そうねえ……
Manuela: You don't know what an opera troupe is? Well...
It's a group of performers, like myself, who act out stories on stage, in front of a big audience. Stories with lots of singing.
フレン: ああ、そういうことですのね!それなら、わたくしにも経験があります。
Flayn: I-I understand now! I certainly have experience in the fine art of storytelling.
There is often singing, as a part of story time for the children at the monastery.
マヌエラ: あら、素敵。でも歌劇団の歌劇とは少し違うかしら……。
Manuela: That is darling, Flayn. But I'm not sure it's quite the same thing as an opera. You see...
Operas are performed in grand theaters, with orchestral accompaniment. Everyone attending wears their finest. It is a very special occasion.
フレン: 劇場? 読み聞かせるためだけの施設があるんですの?
Flayn: Theaters, they're called? You mean to say that there are buildings exclusively used for...telling stories?
マヌエラ: あらあら、劇場も知らないなんて……ちょっと衝撃よ、あたくし。
Manuela: You've never even heard of a theater? You're an intelligent girl, Flayn, and the world is full of wonders. You have a lot left to discover.
B Support
フレン: ねえ、マヌエラさん。歌劇団にいた頃は、どんな生活をしてらしたの?
Flayn: Hello, Manuela. I was just wondering—what was it like, back when you were involved with that opera troupe? Your life must have been quite different from how it is here, I imagine.
マヌエラ: 歌姫の私生活を聞くなんて野暮……って、あなたに言っても仕方ないか。
Manuela: My, how bold to ask an adult about their private life. I'll humor you though... A diva's life is only glamorous while she's on stage. The rest of her time is consumed by grueling training. Just days and days of practicing, beginning at sunrise, with barely a moment to rest from one performance to the next. Then, once the performances begin, you're on stage for three shows a day. Absolutely exhausting. Is that anything like you imagined?
フレン: そんな世界があるんですのね……。わたくし、とっても興味深いですわ。
Flayn: It sounds like a world all its own. Thank you— I find the topic fascinating. What sort of roles did you tend to be cast in? As the lead performer, did you play the part of a princess much? Oh! I can only imagine how illustrious that would be!
マヌエラ: お姫様……そうね、そういう役もあったわ。あの頃は、まだモテていた気がする……。
Manuela: Yes, I was a princess once or twice. And it was quite something, let me tell you. All those royal jewels and flowing gowns... And they didn't just give me the pretty clothes to wear because I was beautiful, you know. I had to fight and claw my way into every role. But once I was there on stage, singing my solo, and all eyes were on me? It was worth it. I was rewarded for every one of my countless hours of practice. And the cheers when I finished a song! The applause! Oh, I can't properly explain it, but I can tell you it's an experience I will cherish until the day I die.
フレン: 素敵……とっても煌びやかな世界ですのね。
Flayn: Wondrous. It all sounds so very glamorous. Despite how rigorous a schedule you kept, it sounds like the hard work was worth those fleeting moments on stage. Mine has always been a...quiet life. It is hard not to feel a twinge of envy, hearing such stories from you!
マヌエラ: ふふ、ありがとう。……でもね、本当に大変だったのは、稽古じゃないの。
Manuela: There's a lot to be said for the quiet life. It was never for me, of course. Still...I hear it's a pretty good deal for a lot of other folks. The thing is, Flayn... Well... You always have to remind yourself that if a place shines brighter than anywhere else, its shadows will be darker too.
フレン: マヌエラさん?
Flayn: What... What do you mean?
マヌエラ: ……なーんて。冗談よ、冗談。何を言っているのかしらね、あたくし。
Manuela: Heh, nothing. Nothing. It's a thing I hope you never come to understand. You know what? The next time you visit, I'll tell you all about the time I played a beautiful princess... and about the handsome prince she fell in love with!
フレン: あ、ええ、楽しみにしていますわ。
Flayn: Oh, please! I would love to hear all about it!
A Support
フレン: マヌエラさん、以前のお話ですけれど……。やっぱり気になってしまって。
Flayn: Manuela, do you recall what you told me? You mentioned that "if a place shines brighter than anywhere else, then its shadows will be darker too."
マヌエラ: あら、冗談だと言ったじゃない。気にしなくてもいいのよ?
Manuela: You sound so worried. That was nothing, dear. Call it a joke.
フレン: ……冗談には聞こえませんでしたわ。良かったら、教えてくださらないかしら。
Flayn: It most certainly did not sound like a joke. Can you please elaborate? Of course, I love hearing about your glamorous past performing on stage. But all that glamor doesn't account for the shadows you spoke of.
マヌエラ: そこまで言うなら……いいわ。少しだけ話してあげる。
Manuela: Well, I suppose I could share a little. Here's the thing about the opera. Talent isn't enough to earn you a position in a glamorous show. You need money, connections, and, failing those, the stomach to commit a spot of violence. I spent many nights buttering up nobles in power. No matter how humiliating the task, I'd do it. Because I wanted to be a star.
I hope that kind of talk isn't too shocking for a sweet girl like yourself.
Are you disillusioned with me now that you know my sordid past?
フレン: いいえ、失望なんてとんでもない!
Flayn: Not at all. Understanding you more deeply, I can see how much strength has been required of you all this time.
マヌエラ: フレン……。
Manuela: Flayn...
フレン: それにわたくしも、人が綺麗ごとだけでは生きられないことくらい知っていますもの。
Flayn: I am well aware that survival and striving for dreams sometimes means doing things we would not normally do.
Perhaps because you have been so strong-lived with such conviction...
Perhaps that is why your songs have touched so many people's hearts.
マヌエラ: ……ふふ、急に大人っぽいことを言うのね。でも、嬉しいわ。ありがとう、フレン。
Manuela: You sound very wise all of a sudden. Thank you, Flayn.
フレン: マヌエラさん、いつかお願いしたこと、取り消させていただいても?
Flayn: I would like to rescind my original request of you.
マヌエラ: お願いって?歌を聞かせてってお願いかしら?
Manuela: Your request to hear one of my songs?
フレン: ええ、そうですわ。そして、改めて別のお願いをさせてくださらない?
Flayn: Indeed. Instead, I have a different request. I would like to see you perform an opera. On stage.
マヌエラ: あら……あたくしが、また舞台に……?それはまた、無茶なお願いねえ……。
Manuela: I don't know about that. It's been a long time since I stood on stage. I imagine you have experienced much since you left the opera company.
フレン: 歌劇団を辞めてからも、マヌエラさんは多くの経験を重ねてきたはずですわ。
Flayn: It follows, then, that you have developed new insights, charm, and wisdom to share.
マヌエラ: ふふ……確かに悲恋の物語だったら、若い頃よりも、上手く演じられそうね。
Manuela: Yes, I probably could play a tragic role even better now than I could back then. But it's hardly the time for operas. We need to put an end to this war first.
フレン: はい! この戦いに、一刻も早く幕が下りるように、努力しましょう。
Flayn: Agreed! Let us make the curtain fall on this war as soon as possible.
マヌエラ: ええ、そして、あたくしの歌劇の幕が、一刻も早く上がるように、ね。
Manuela: Maybe then we can raise the curtain on a brand new performance! That'd be something, wouldn't it?
フレン: ふふふふふっ、そのとおりですわ。
Manuela: That is exactly what I yearn for!